Slice Of Nature

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

What causes Acne?

What is acne? Acne is the most common of all skin disease reported worldwide. It is a skin condition characterized by inflammation of the skin and formation of whiteheads, blackheads and pimples on the face especially the fore head, chin and jaw line, neck, chest, upper back, shoulders, and arms. These parts are affected because they have the highest concentration of sebaceous glands. When stimulated, these glands can overproduce sebum/oil. Irregular shedding of dead skin cells results in irritation of the hair follicles of the skin and build up of bacteria under and on the skin contribute to the formation of acne too. The skin should naturally be capable of expelling excess oil but sometimes, pores may be blocked by hair follicles and dead skin hence, impair excretion leading to a bacterial infection and acne.

It is therefore important to learn the most common and known factors leading to over production of sebum as well as acne aggravators so that we are able to prevent acne flare-ups, manage it and also enlighten ourselves in the quest for the right treatment for acne.

Hormonal imbalances and stress: Over production of hormones such as androgen  and cortisol, causes the sebaceous glands to enlarge and excessively produce sebum. If the pores are clogged the extra sebum accumulates under the skin, creating a conducive environment for the growth of bacteria leading to break outs on the skin. Stress can aggravate acne as it causes over production of these hormones as well as increase the levels of harmful toxins in the body.
Diet: A diet that is high in starch, sugary and processed foods can aggravate acne as they increase blood sugar and the chemicals in processed foods can disrupt the body’s system and increase the levels of toxins in the body’s system.
Genes: Acne can be acquired hereditary. A child whose biological parent has acne has a high probability of developing acne.
Birth control pills: Acne has been reported as one of the side effects on people taking or stopping progesterone contraceptives. The hormones increase the chances of developing acne.
Drugs and medications: Some drugs, prescription and non prescription, like steroid creams and ointments used for eczema and some anti-epileptics have been proven to stimulate acne. Vitamins are beneficial for your body and good for the skin, but excessive intake of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 may cause acne flare-ups.
Make-up: Heavy make-up, especially oil-based cosmetics, add more oil to the skin and can clog pores and aggravate an already existing oily skin problem.
Environmental Factors: You can suffer from acne due to your increased exposure to the sun, high humidity and pollution. High humidity causes swelling of skin. The skin is in constant contact with the environment, pollution may lead to clogging your pores and infection of the skin even.
Mishandling the Skin: Picking, squeezing and pricking pimples and whiteheads worsens acne. Your hands contain a lot of bacteria that can cause acne flare-ups. It is important to note acne is not caused by dirt. Harsh exfoliators, scrubs and cleansers damage the skin and spread an infection.
Clothing: Tight fitting clothes and garments made of materials like nylon, that do not allow the skin to breathe can also cause or worsen acne.