Shea butter is effective as an after shave as it combats dry skin as a result of shaving. It softens and soothes the skin, yielding to a smooth skin free of bumps.
After waxing or shaving, rub a generous amount of shea butter on your palms and apply to the area. It is advisable to shave after or towards the end of a shower or bath. You can pre condition and soften your skin by applying a small amount of shea butter, allow 15 to 20 minutes for your skin to absorb it before having a shave.
Always ensure that you use new, clean and sharp razors to avoid razor burn. You should also avoid shaving the same area over and over and use a good shaving cream too. This will minimize chances of razor burn.
Slice Of Nature sells great high quality
organic, pure, raw and unrefined Shea butter.
After waxing or shaving, rub a generous amount of shea butter on your palms and apply to the area. It is advisable to shave after or towards the end of a shower or bath. You can pre condition and soften your skin by applying a small amount of shea butter, allow 15 to 20 minutes for your skin to absorb it before having a shave.
Always ensure that you use new, clean and sharp razors to avoid razor burn. You should also avoid shaving the same area over and over and use a good shaving cream too. This will minimize chances of razor burn.
Shea butter is well known for it's moisturizing, and more notably, healing properties. Shea butter, in it's natural form, is off-white, pale yellow, or cream colored after processing. It has a unique nutty smell which is not offensive. The smell will degrade over time after application...unless too much has been applied. Golden Shea Butter has palm oil added to it. Also, the healing component(s) of shea butter is quite sensitive. It deteriorates over a short period time or if the final product is altered too much.